Secondary Stats
Description of player's character Secondary Stats
Additional Damage (%) Increases all damage dealt by the character, both physical and magical.
Warrior: Increases with Strength.
Hunter: Increases with Agility.
Mage: Increases with Intellect.
Physical Armor Reduces the amount of damage taken from melee attacks.
Magical Armor Reduces the amount of damage taken from magical attacks.
Physical Damage Reduce (%) Percentage reduction of physical damage received by the character. Cannot exceed 100%.
Magical Damage Reduce (%) Percentage reduction of magical damage received by the character. Cannot exceed 100%.
Magic Resist (%) Chance to block incoming magical damage and subsequent debuffs.
Depends on Willpower.
Dodge Chance Chance to avoid any physical damage and subsequent debuffs, except periodic damage and special attacks.
Depends on Agility.
Crit Strike Chance (%) Chance to deal increased damage with any attack.
Depends on Agility.
Crit Strike Power (%) Damage amplification factor when a critical hit is triggered.
Depends on Strength.
Mana Pool Increases the amount of mana a character has.
Depends on Intellect.
Concentrated Mana Regeneration Mana regeneration outside of combat for Hunter and Warrior.
Depends on Intellect.
Concentration Time Delay before entering rest mode (mana regeneration).
Depends on Willpower.
Warrior Mana Recovery Mana recovery based on a percentage of damage taken and dealt by the warrior's auto-attack.
Depends on Willpower and Current HP.
Passive Mana Regeneration Normal passive mana regeneration in combat for Mage.
Depends on Willpower and Intellect.
Mana Cost Reduction (%) Percentage reduction of mana cost for all skills.
Cannot exceed 75%.
Health Pool Amount of health a character has.
Depends on Stamina.
Health Regeneration Increases the rate at which a character regenerates health.
Depends on Stamina.
Rest Regeneration Multiplier Multiplier for health regeneration during rest.
Movement Speed Character movement speed. Affects the ability to quickly move out of dangerous zones and dungeon traversal speed.
Attack Speed Increases the speed of the character's auto-attack.
Debuff Protection Reduces the duration of debuffs applied to the character.
Depends on Strength.
Experience Bonus (%) Increases the percentage of experience gained by the character.
Item Drop Bonus Increases the item drop rate from dungeons.
Cooldown Reduction Reduces the cooldown time of all skills.
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